BROWNSBURG Baptist Church

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Christ Cause should unify believers

1 Corinthians 1:10, "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."

This is an important verse if we are to understand how to accomplish great things for God.  One of the greatest hindrances to the cause of Christ is believers who are divided.  Paul is going to deal with this issue in chapter three.  Here he states emphatically, "...that there be no divisions among you."  We are to work in harmony for the cause of Christ, we must seek peace, we must do everything in our power to keep peace.  One of the things God hates, according to Proverbs 6:19, is someone who sows discord among the brethren.

According to Paul we should:

• Speak the same thing, bringing glory to God in our speech rather than elevating ourselves.  We should be speaking the Gospel and things which edify others.

• Have the same mind, in that we know that Jesus is to be preeminent.  Life is about Him and not about us.

• Have the same judgment, in our decision making that the wisdom of Christ is to be sought, thus allowing our decisions as believers are consistent with the way other believer's think and decide.

May agape love abound in our hearts allowing us to experience the unity here spoken of by the Apostle Paul.  Much will be accomplished for Christ if we fight the devil instead of one another. 


Your Friend and HIS,

Pastor Abbott



1.  Explain how unity positively impacts the cause of Christ.

2.  What things can you speak consistently that will help the cause of Christ?

3.  What can you do to ensure Jesus Christ remains pre-eminent in your life?

4.  Are your decisions consistently made following direction from the Bible?  Think about your last major decision and explain how it glorified God or self.