READ Romans 10:1-11
Paul the Apostle continues to refine the principle of righteousness which is by faith. Again, he does so by addressing the Jewish way of thinking. Numerous Old Testament
references are quoted to establish his point. This chapter begins with him sharing his heart and his burden for the Jews (vs. 1-3). The chapter concludes with quotations from Isaiah establishing that God would send the gospel to the Gentiles.
This morning our focus is upon Romans 10:4, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."
It is here that we learn that God's righteousness is found only in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the One who puts an end to a man having to seek righteousness through the law. Man no longer has to work and work to be acceptable to God, to work knowing full well that he is coming up ever so short of God's glory and demand. Man no longer has to live under the enslaving power of sin, under its guilt and shame and punishment. Man no longer has to live under the weight and pressure of failing, of being ever so unworthy and hopeless, lonely and alienated. Man can now be set free and know full well that he is acceptable to God. Man can now have a heart that swells with assurance and confidence, the perfect knowledge that he is God's and God is his. Man can know that he is accepted as righteous before God. How? Through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." This means at least three things.
1. Christ ended the law in that He is the object toward which the law pointed. All the ceremonies, sacrifices, offerings, and purifications led to and pointed toward Christ.
2. Christ ended the law in that He fulfilled and completed the law perfectly. He lived under the law, keeping it perfectly. He was sinless, obeying every rule and requirement of the law. By fulfilling the law, Jesus Christ has become...
· the Ideal Man
· the Perfect Man
· the Representative Man
3. Christ ended the law in that he destroyed the penalty and condemnation of the law against man. Christ took the sin of man upon Himself to bear the condemnation for man. Christ died for man; He bore the execution of being separated from God for man.
It is important to recognize a critical point: Christ ends the law for righteousness only for those who believe. A man is justified, that is, counted righteous, by God, only if he truly believes that Jesus Christ is the righteousness of God.
Have a great day focused upon the goodness of God found in our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your Friend and HIS,
Pastor Abbott
1. If Christ had not paid the penalty for your sins, what would you and everyone else be facing upon death?
2. Does your life show appreciation for Christ’s sacrifice for your sins? How so?
3. Consider some additional ways you might show gratitude for Jesus’ death and resurrection.