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Worship Service

There is always an opportunity for our people to be able to give directly during our worship services throughout the week. We are able to provide each person with giving envelopes for the entire year. This way you can give by cash or check, and be sure your gift is private and secure. 

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Food & Clothing

At any time during the week you are able to bring food, and new or gently worn clothes to be donated for those in need. Each year we are thankful to be able to participate in a large food drive with the Good News Ministries here in Indy. 


Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Drive | November - December

Call the church office for more info.

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Amazon Smile

Simply go to and sign in using your regular amazon account information (or if your new to, create an account).

On the right side of the screen they will ask you to "Select a Charity". Go to the bottom right side and underneath where it states, “Or pick your own charitable organization”, type in Brownsburg Baptist Church.  Click SEARCH.

The next screen will prompt you to check a box which states, “YES, I understand that I must always start at to support Brownsburg Baptist Church.”  Check the box.

Click the START SHOPPING button to get started.