Our Pre-K curriculum builds upon our preschool curriculum in helping our students to be academically and socially ready for Kindergarten.
- Daily Bible classes that teach basic Bible stories. Our students will hear and learn exciting lessons from the Bible starting with Creation through the life of Christ.
- We want your child to be able to apply what they learn in Bible to their young lives. Because of this, weteach character traits that will help our children to apply what they have learned to their young lives.
- A fun Bible workbook from Positive Action for Christ is used re-enforce Bible lessons in a fun and excitingway.
- We have a weekly Chapel class (usually on Wednesday) that allows our teachers and Pastoral staff to enjoy a Bible time with our students.
- In the first semester of the year our students review the 26 letters/sounds of the alphabet. They will be able to match letter sounds with pictures and with verbal sounds. Students will learn to blend vowels and consonants together to read blended sounds.
- As blends are learned, one vowel words will be introduced to read.
- In the second semester students will start reading groups. In reading groups sounds and blends will be reviewed and sentences will be introduced. Long vowels will be introduced during this time.
Pre-Writing/Writing Skills
- Small motor skills are still being developed at this age. Students will use pencils, markers, crayons, paint brushed and scissors to help develop these skills.
- Finger plays and other fine motor skill practice will be used.
- Students will be introduced to tracing/writing all letters of the alphabet. Writing blends of the alphabet and one vowel words will also be introduced.
- Children will also learn to write their first names and will be introduced to writing their last name
- Learning to count and recognize numbers is a very exciting part of our day.
Students will learn the following skills:
- Recognizing 1-100
- Counting 1-100
- Writing numbers 1-20
- Before and after numbers 1-20
- Addition facts +0 and+1
In learning these skills students will use many forms of learning. They will use verbal, auditory and tactile learning activities.
Arts & Crafts are a GREAT way to have fun and develop fine motor skills at the same time! Some type of art or craft will be an almost daily part of your Pre-K student’s day. These will range from holiday art to crafts that reinforce a skill that is being taught.
- Daily singing time. We will learn fun songs, silly songs, Bible Songs & Hymns.
- Weekly Music Appreciation and music theory is taught in the classroom. Fun avenues of play with music will be experienced by our students
- Our Pre-K class will participate in the two musical programs preformed each year.
- Daily music will be used in the classroom to learn many aspects of our curriculum.
Your child’s body is growing and developing on a daily basis. Physical play is very important to help their bones and muscles grow and develop.
- Outside play (weather permitting) is a part of each day.
- Running, jumping, crawling, bouncing, and other inside physical play is part of each of our days. There many physical games we use when the weather will not allow us to play outside.
- Teachers will use many forms of physical activity daily in all academic areas in the classroom.
Special Days
A monthly calendar will be sent home. This calendar will list the special days that your child will be experience through-out the month. Months will include:
- Science Learning Days
- International Days
- Fun “Letter” learning Days
- Special Show and Tell Days
- Community Helper Days
- Many other “FUN” Days
Other FUN Activities
- Calendar—Students will learn the days of the week and the months of the year
- Weekly Science class
- Story Time
- Snack Time
- Recess
- Show and Tell