The church has been given two primary mandates: to magnify Christ (Ephesians 3:21) and to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). We believe a local organized church is best suited to accomplish both of these mandates. Therefore, we, at Brownsburg Baptist Church, believe it is God’s will for every Christian to put forth effort to fulfill the Great Commission.
Believers will best fulfill their God given mandate to make disciples by: putting forth consistent individual effort to be an effective witness of the Gospel (Acts 1:8), and by cooperating with God’s plan to support missionary endeavors around the world as missionaries preach the Gospel to those beyond the scope of our own church (Mark 16:15).
Brownsburg Baptist Church has chosen to utilize “Faith Promise” as a means to financially support the worldwide efforts of our missionaries. We strive to encourage our missionaries through communication, prayer, and financial assistance. Currently, 38 missionaries are supported through our faith promise missions program.
Baptist World Missions - Missions around the World
Bearing Precious Seed - Greenwood, Indiana
Good News Ministries - Indianapolis Mission
Ron & Barbara Hodge - People of Appalachia
Robert & Debbie Keeton - Rock of Ages Prison Ministry
Brent & Shelley Marowelli - First Bible International
Harrell & Jeannie Noble - Evangelist
Seedline International - Greencastle, Indiana
Joseph & Deborah Athyalil - India
Edwin & Sarah Chelli - India
Ben & Lauren Childs - Papua New Guinea
Brian & Amanda Collins - Zambia
Dan & Sandy DeLong - Australia
Don & Chris Dillman - Scotland
James & Carol Denman - Gospel Radio Latin America
Jeremy & Damaris Dodeler - France
Jim & Bonnie Drew - Spanish Speaking People
Mike and Cindy Haley - Botswana
William & Samantha Jeffcoat - India
Hung & Priscilla Kim - Myanmar
Nathan & Grace Kinoshita - Tokyo, Japan
Bradly & Ashley - Kubik - Mongolia
David & Betsy McCrorie - Canada
Caleb & Missy Metzger - Germany
Marco & Gwendolyn Nunez - Mexico
Vlademir & Rosa Silveira - Brazil
Richard & Teresa Smith - International Baptist Outreach
Larry & Diane Stikeleather - Philippines
Alan & Elena Sutphen - Uganda, Africa
Heritage Baptist College - Franklin, Indiana
West Coast Baptist College - Lancaster, California
Atlantic Coast Baptist College - Laurel, Delaware
Slavic Baptist Institute - Ukraine
* Brownsburg Baptist Church has a heart to see the Gospel spread to every continent and every nation! We are proud to support the missionaries mentioned in this list, as well as others which can not be named, because of the sensitive fields in which they serve.