The Result of Self Pity and Doubt
Good Morning,
Wow!!! What a week of Vacation Bible School. We saw several young people saved during the week, great attendance each night, and it all culminated with a mom trusting Christ as her Savior. God led from start to finish in the events of last night in bringing that mom to Christ. We had a great crew of dedicated workers for the week and a great group who stayed late to clean the building and get things back in place for this morning. Thanks to all who worked to make this maybe one of the best Bible Schools I have experienced.
Please pray for all the follow-up we now have before us, in dealing with the kids and the parents. Pray for the growth of every person who was saved, around 12 people, pray for those who still need to trust Christ, pray for those who need spiritual revival, pray for those who are filled with spiritual apathy who need to become zealous for Christ, pray for those who remain bound in their sin needing freedom through repentance, and pray for those who need physical and/or emotional healing.
Job 12:4, "I am as one mocked of his neighbour, who calleth upon God, and he answereth him: the just upright man is laughed to scorn."
Job hasn't received much sympathy from his friends, although it was their purpose in coming. They came to "...mourn with him and to comfort him." (Job 2:11) As Job listens to them speak it seems he feels a need to justify his own relationship with the Lord. He tells them, "...I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you..." (Job 12:3)
Job's self pity is expressed through his words in verse 4, "I am as one mocked of his neighbour..." He believes he is a laughing-stock, he believes he is treated as one not worth regarding, and one whose opinions were not respected. Job expresses doubt through the words, "...the just upright man is laughed to scorn." So what, if a just and upright man is laughed at by others! Satan wants us to question the value of serving God when we see little or no reward.
It is difficult to see people who have no regard for the Lord being blessed in the life they are living. This was difficult for the Psalmist. He states, "...I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked." (Psalm 73:3) This continued "Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end." (Psalm 73:17) Life is to be lived by faith, no matter what our current circumstances seem to say. Don't fall into the trap of self pity and doubt. It will cause you to question the Lord, and the life you are living for Him. Those who are lost aren't going to heaven. Therefore they aren't to be envied, they should be pitied, and we should do our best to bring them to faith in Jesus.
Have a great day serving the Lord.
Your friend,
Pastor Mike Abbott