The God of Wrath and Fierce Anger

Isaiah 13:9, "Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it."

According to the context, this is a prophecy concerning God's judgment upon Babylon (vs 13:1).  I want us to stand in awe today of the great God we serve.  So often, we as His people, ignore the attributes of God's holiness and justice.  Emery Bancroft in his book, "Elemental Theology," writes on page 54, "God's Holiness is His most exalted and emphasized attribute, expressing the majesty of His moral nature and character.” Isaiah speaks of Jehovah as the "Holy One" thirty times in his sixty-six chapters.  Two things are learned in Scripture concerning the teaching of God's holiness.  First, God is entirely apart from all that is evil, and from that which defiles, both in Himself and in relation to all His creatures.  Also, In God's holiness, we find the ultimate perfection, purity, and integrity.  This is His nature and character.  Psalm 99:9, "Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the LORD our God is holy."

When we speak of God's justice we are talking about God's dealings with man and creation in His holiness and perfection.  God is forever just in His dealings with us.  He has never violated His character in any of His dealings with us. 

In today's verse, God isn't being described as cruel, that would be impossible. The word speaks of the unsparing nature of God's justice.  He is totally just in dealing with the Babylonians in such a manner.  His mercy and grace would not be found in this time of Babylon's history.  God is merciful, He is gracious, He is love, but He is also just and holy.  God had determined that He was going to judge the sinners in Babylon.

The application for us today is that God could do the same things in the United States and be totally just and holy in doing so.  We must stand in awe of the great God we serve.  We need to live in fear of our Heavenly Father and stand in reverent awe of Him.  We serve an Awesome God!

Live for God, pray for the salvation of your friends and relatives, witness to all those around you, and expect the return of Jesus. Then, the Great Tribulation will begin.

Your Friend and HIS,

Pastor Abbott


1. Why is it so easy to overlook the holiness of God?

2. God will justly deal with sin 100% of the time? Why is this so?

3. Do you stand in awe of God’s ability to judge? How should we respond to His ability to judge?