Read Proverbs 25:15-28
This morning I want to share some thoughts from Proverbs 25:28, "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."
The subject in this verse is the ability to control your own spirit. Now we know that this is a spiritual issue. Therefore, the enabling power of the Holy Spirit is necessary for any of us to have the ability to control our spirit. I read recently about a parent and a coach on a baseball field who were physically separated because they were going to fight over a game. What a wonderful example of leadership for the children! Anyway, the Bible describes the person who doesn't possess the ability to rule his own spirit as "a city that is broken down, and without walls." In ancient times the primary defense for a city was its fortified walls. You were extremely vulnerable to attack if your city had no walls or protection. The city is broken down because of its vulnerability. If you are undisciplined in life, i.e. body, mind, and emotions, you are a problem waiting to happen. Trouble is not far away in the life of one who has no rule over his own spirit.
Relationships and lives are destroyed because of the issue spoken of in verse 28. Notice the reinforcing words found in Proverbs 14:29 and 16:32, "He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly." "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." If you are quick to lose control of your spirit, acknowledge your need for change, and seek the Lord's help through prayer and spiritual discipline.
God bless you as you seek to become more like Christ.
Your Friend and HIS,
Pastor Abbott
1. How vulnerable is a person who lacks self-control? Explain.
2. Why does a person lacking self-control seem to often experience trouble?
3. How does anger affect self-control?
4. Would you describe yourself as disciplined or not? Explain your answer.