Paul begins chapter one by sending his personal regards to the saints at Rome and ends this introduction by stating the place the Gospel plays in his life, and the fact that the "just shall live by faith."
Notice Romans 1:10-12, "Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you. 11For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; 12That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me."
These verses are an important part of Paul's prayer in relation to the Romans. In verse 10, Paul requests that the Lord would grant him (according to His will) an opportunity to journey to visit with the saints at Rome. Paul's itinerary was always dependent upon the will of God. Such should be the case in our lives also.
vs 11 - Paul had a desire to see the brethren at Rome, but also had a goal to "...impart unto you some spiritual gift." Paul sought to give believers spiritual insights and understanding for the purpose of establishing or strengthening them. The word translated "established" in verse eleven, is the Greek root from which we get the English word "steroids." Paul wanted the believers at Rome to BE STRONG!!! I know that I often see myself as being spiritually weak, and it is important that when we view ourselves in such a condition, we take steps to get strong again. Don't allow yourself to drift to a place of weakness in your Christian life.
vs 12 - Finally, Paul expresses his desire to experience a mutual benefiting for himself and the church. The words "comforted together" has the sense of mutual encouragement. Our relationship with others should be mutually encouraging and beneficial. Seek to be an encouragement to those with whom you are in contact, and learn to spend time with people who will encourage you. Everyone will be the better spiritually.
Your Friend and HIS,
Pastor Abbott
1. Are there any people the Lord wants you to visit? How can you make your visit fruitful?
2. How would you judge your spiritual strength? How might you grow stronger in your walk with Jesus?
3. If you are drifting toward spiritual weakness, stop right now and ask God to help you to grow in your walk with Him.
4. Do you work to be a blessing to others? How do people view your involvement in the church?