2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

Daily Bible reading and study is something every Christian should make a part of their life. If all we had were these two verses to demonstrate the importance of daily Bible reading, we would need no more.

Why should you and I read and study the Bible? Consider the following:

1. Because the Bible comes from God! "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God." The most important individual for us to communicate with is GOD. When we read the Bible, God is speaking to us.

2. Because the Bible is profitable for us. The "Webster's Dictionary of the English Language" defines the word "profitable as anything useful or advantageous.

• The Bible is profitable for doctrine. Doctrine is simply teaching. So the Bible teaches us about God, about life, salvation, and eternity.

• The Bible is profitable for reproof. Reproof speaks of the thing by which something is proved or tested. The Bible proves what is right and what is wrong. Normally, we think of reproof as the process of proving that which is wrong. This is correct and contextually accurate in this verse, but reproof could also be the process of proving what is right. If the Bible teaches something is wrong then that is all the proof we need!

• The Bible is profitable for correction. This speaks of restoring one to a right condition. The Bible is profitable in showing how to make something which is wrong, right. I'm glad the Bible tells how to make wrong things right.

• The Bible is profitable for instruction in righteousness. Finally the Bible shows us how to keep or stay right. The Bible is a manual on right living. Again, this is based upon what God says is right.

3. I should read my Bible in order to becomemature "...perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (vs. 17).  The Bible's use of the word "perfect" is talking about that which is complete or totally suitable for a task. The word "throughly" means we are completely prepared and equipped to accomplish a task. Which in this case means we are ready and prepared to do ALL GOOD WORKS.

May we realize the profit in reading, studying, and meditating upon the Word of God every day! It will change your life forever!

Your Friend and HIS,

Pastor Abbott



1.  How should the fact that the Bible is inspired by God influence your Bible reading?

2.  Most people are interested in profit.  How do you view the profit one receives from studying Scripture every day?

3.  Of the four areas of profit listed in 2 Timothy 3:16, which one seems most needed in your life right now?  Why?

4.  Are you growing in your Christian life?  What most influences this growth or the lack thereof?