Read Ephesians 3:1-13

This morning we are looking at a section of Scripture which has a twofold aim:  first, to understand the great mystery of Christ, that He is creating a new body of people upon earth; secondly, to serve Christ more diligently than ever before—all because of what He has done for us.

I want to present an outline of this section of Scripture, then focus upon verse number six.

1.  The eternal purpose of God gave Paul purpose for existing - vs. 1-2.

2.  The eternal purpose of God was a mystery to man: it required special revelation to become known - vs. 3-5.

3.  The eternal purpose of God included a threefold revelation - vs. 6.

4.  The eternal purpose of God affected Paul profoundly - vs. 7-9.

5.  The eternal purpose of God affects heavenly beings even now, it causes them to stand in utter amazement - vs. 10-12.

6.  The eternal purpose of God stirred a willingness within Paul to suffer for the church - vs. 13.

I hope this outline helps bring some clarity to you as you read this portion of Scripture.  Now I would like to focus upon verse six, which reveals a three-fold revelation concerning God's eternal purpose towards mankind.  Note, however, verse five and six concerning the mystery of Christ, "Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; 6 That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel."  Notice the threefold revelation concerning the mystery of Christ:

1.  The first thing revealed is that:  We, the Gentiles - all true believers - are fellow-heirs of God with the Jews.  All true believers are heirs of God.  We are to share in the inheritance of all that God has.  We approach God through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Every person now has the glorious privilege of approaching God.

2.  Next we learn, the Gentiles, are of the same body as the Jews.  There no longer are two distinctive groups (Jew and Gentile).  God's love is universally experienced because of Christ.  God is now allowing all men to approach Him through the Lord Jesus.  God is now creating a new body of people made up of people from all nations and ethnicities, all centered around His Son.  Believers now form what is called the body of Christ.

3.  Finally, we Gentiles, receive the same promise of Christ as the Jews did.  The promise in Christ, of course, involves all the promises of God.  The primary promise in Christ has to do with the glorious privilege of being saved, that of living with God and Christ for eternity in the new heavens and the new earth.

Your Friend and HIS,

Pastor Abbott


1.  As a Christian who has access to God, how would you explain this to a person who was from another religion?

2.  What barriers do non-Christians set up in their relationship with their gods?

3.  Do Christians embrace any of those same barriers?  Which ones come to mind?

4.  What role does Jesus Christ play in your being able to approach God?