READ Philippians 3:1-3

As believers, we need to press forward with an intention to never waver from the truth as revealed in the Word of God.  How might we press forward without wavering from the truth?  Only by guarding ourselves.  

  1. Guard yourself by rejoicing in the Lord. “Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.” The imperative “rejoice” appears 15 times in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit commands us to rejoice in the Lord. It is not an option for us.

  2. Guard yourself by heeding the Bible. “To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.” The best way for us to embrace the truth is to read it and to speak it continually. Paul was guarding the Philippian church by repeating the same truth they had previously heard. Guard yourself through the repetitious study of the Word of God.

  3. Guard yourself against false teachers. “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.” Three warnings appear in verse two. Beware of dogs: these were wild scavenging dogs, people seeking to devour what and who they could. Beware of evil workers, those who teach false doctrine as though it were Bible truth. Finally, beware of the concision, those who sought to continually incorporate portions of Judaistic teachings to Christianity. Specifically here, the teaching that circumcision was essential for every male believer.

  4. Guard yourself by knowing your position in Christ. “For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” Circumcision was to the Jew what baptism has become in modern covenant theology. Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward faith placed in the crucified, buried, risen Savior, baptism is not an essential element of salvation, it is the first outward step of obedience because of salvation.

Make sure you press on by guarding yourself against the possible road bumps in life.

Your Friend and HIS,

Pastor Abbott


1.  Why is it important to rejoice in the Lord even if you perceive things are not good?

2.  Why is it important to heed the Bible?

3.  What are some basic doctrines that make Christianity distinct from other religions and cults?

4.  What does it mean to worship God in the spirit?  What can you do to develop your worship so that it is truly pleasing to the Heavenly Father?